Wednesday 18 November 2015



Today I am doing another life related post and it is on a topic that I deal with everyday called Insomnia. I don't want to waffle on at the beginning instead I just want to get on with the post and raise awareness on this subject.

The official definition or Insomnia is Habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep. Every night when I go to bed I lie awake for a ridiculous amount of hours and normally I won't get to sleep before 2am unless I am super tired. I am still in school so not getting enough sleep is really bad and just makes everything a lot more stressful. Recently I only got around an hour of sleep but I still had to go in, complete a six hour day at school, then come home and nap immediately. I nearly fell asleep in English but not quite because my friend kept me awake.

There are some people that suffer with very mild to mild Insomnia which means most of the time they get the amount of sleep they need. Others like me can have mild to a more extreme case of Insomnia which is when you cant get to sleep most nights or wake up lots in the night.

There are many different things that you can do to help with insomnia including going to bed around the same time every day, listening to calming or relaxing music or not using electronic devices before bed and reading a book instead of watching your favourite show on Netflix. Doing all these things could contribute to a better nights sleep and they really do help me especially the one about listening to music.

You can find more information on Insomnia on the NHS Choices Website including causes, treatment and more information on what it is. I hope that have learned something from this post and that you found it interesting learning something new or gaining more information on Insomnia (I wonder how many times I have used that word in this post). Thanks for reading,

xo, Chantel

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