Tuesday 17 November 2015

Book of the Month: October


Sorry that I haven't been around for a few weeks but to make up for it I am going to be uploading 3 posts this week including one today, one tomorrow and one on Saturday. Today I am doing my 'Book of the Month' for October, Wednesday's post is going to be on Insomnia and on Saturday I am going to do a post on Happiness Postcards. I hope that you guys are looking forward to the other two posts but for now here is my 'Book of the Month' for October.

Title: The Bunker Diary
Author: Kevin Brooks
Rating: 4 Stars
Price: £7.99 (RRP)

Blurb: I can't believe I fell for it.

It was still dark when I woke up this morning. As soon as my eyes opened I knew where I was.

A low-ceilinged rectangular building made entirely of whitewashed concrete. There are six little rooms along the main corridor.

There are no windows. No doors. The lift is the only way in or out. What's he going to do to me? What am I going to do?

This book is written in the form of a diary (hence the name) and is about a teen that ran away from home, had been living on the streets and was then kidnapped. As you go through the book more people are introduced, rivalries begin and they try to find ways to get out but they can't because if they do they get punished. It's interesting to read about the different people's stories and why they ended up in the bunker. With six very different personalities things soon begin to get tense with emotions running high and someone constantly watching them.

I thoroughly recommend reading this book as really opens your eyes and gives you an insight to things that could actually happen to people and do happen in some countries. I hope you enjoyed reading my review, that you go out, buy the book and give it a good read because I think that you will really enjoy it. Thanks for reading,

xo, Chantel

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