Friday 2 October 2015

Life: Bullying


Today I want to touch on a fairly sensitive topic that is quite close to me and it has taken me a while to pluck up the courage to sit down and write this post let alone put it up but I have decided to just bite the bullet. I hope that no one takes this post the wrong way and that they think of it as a positive thing as I will be giving tips on how to deal with issues like this towards the end. This is my bullying experience.

Going back to the days when I was in Year 2 one of my really good friends suddenly turned on me. I wasn't really sure why to be honest considering I was only 6 at the time but it was really upsetting and at first I just thought that she was just annoyed about something else and was just letting her anger out but then it continued. She started to call me names and also started to manipulate people into being mean to me, she then started lying to the teachers telling them that I had said all manner of bad things to her when it was actually the other way round.

Eventually I started to become quite depressed in a way and was very upset every time I came home from school and my mum started to notice something was wrong. She had to ask what was wrong so many times before I told her because I didn't want to get anyone into trouble but I one day I just gave in. My mum told the head teacher everything was sorted out  and we were back to being friends because you don't really consider letting go of people that aren't worth your time when you're 6.

Even though everything was resolved and we were friends again after the event, every year in primary school after this the girl did the exact same thing to me. In the end I just started to ignore her comments and by the first half of  year 6 it seemed like she had pretty much given up. However this didn't last and she started to give me a lot more verbal abuse than before calling me much worse names and telling teachers that I was swearing at her, shouting at her, hitting her etc.

Once again I just blocked everything out as I knew that we were going to be going to different secondary schools in a few months time and I didn't see the point in making a fuss so I just left everything and moved on with my life. Now that you have heard my story I'm just going to list a few ways to deal with bullying:

- Tell someone about the problem. This could be a teacher, peer, family or a friend

- Ignore the bully. It might be hard and I know that everyone tells you to do this but it is effective because they will get bored.

- Tell them to stop taking their anger out on you because you never know, they might listen.

- Ask if they are okay, I might see difficult to feel sympathy but they might just want some reassurance and a hug.

That's all for todays post. I will do some more life posts in the future including dealing with anxiety as well as problems at home. In the next few weeks you can look forward to a couple of Halloween posts that I have planned as well as a few winter related ones. Unfortunately there won't be a book of the month because I haven't finished reading my book from last month. Anyway I hope that you liked this type of post and that you don't mind something a little different. Thanks for reading,

xo, Chantel

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